Christian Schmitt


born in Saarlouis

2010 to 2015
Degree in Law (focus on commercial criminal law) at the University of Saarland

2013 to 2015
Student assistant at the Chair for Civil Law with Prof Dr Matusche Beckmann

June 2015

First State Examination in Law

2015 to 2017 

Junior lawyer training with focus on criminal law including positions in the Heimes & Müller and Giring Lordt Wölk law firms

Since 2015
Lecturer at the University of Saarland for criminal law as working group leader

2015 to 2017
Worked on an EU project for harmonising rights of defence in criminal proceedings in cooperation with the University of Luxembourg and other European partner universities

2015 to 2019
Assistant to the Chair for Criminal Law including commercial criminal law and criminal procedural law as well as correction assistant ibidem

October 2017
Doctoral candidate at the University of Saarland on the topic: “Effektivität der Rechtsmittel zur Durchsetzung von Beschuldigtenrechten – Das Europarecht als möglicher Entwicklungsmotor für Effektivität im deutschen Strafverfahren” (Effectiveness of legal remedies for enforcing the rights of defendants – European law as a potential driving force of development for efficiency in German criminal proceedings)

2017 to 2018
Secondary employment in a law firm in Saarbrücken for national and international product liability and contract law

Lawyer at a law firm in Völklingen in the field of criminal law, administrative offence law and family law

August 2019
Lawyer in the criminal law firm Schmidt Rechtsanwälte

Specialist lawyer for ciminal law


  • Die Terrordelikte des StGB im Spiegel der islamistischen Bedrohung
    (Terrorist offences dealt with under the German Criminal Code [StGB] in light of the Islamist threat), jM 2018, pp. 298 to 301.
  • Bekämpfung der Kriminalität in sozialen Netzwerken: Kritische Anmerkungen zum NetzDG, (zusammen mit Felix Maurer)
    (The fight against crime in social networks: critical comments on the Network Enforcement Act [NetzDG] [together with Felix Maurer]), jM 2018, pp. 346 to 349.
  • Über die praktische Bedeutung der Pflicht zur Anbringung einer CE-Kennzeichnung im Rechtsverkehr
    (On the practical implications of the obligation to attach a CE symbol in legal transactions), StoffR 2018, pp. 94 to 98.
  • Ein Beitrag zu produktstrafrechtlichen Haftungsrisiken von Herbiziden am Beispiel des Stoffes Glyphosat
    (An article on liability risks under product criminal law for herbicides using the example of the substance glyphosate), StoffR 2018, pp. 241 to 244.
  • Chapter III Germany, in: Effective defence rights in criminal proceeding [Hrsg. Allegrezza; Covolo] CEDAM – Kluwer, (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Mansdörfer) (together with Prof Dr Mansdörfer), Luxemburg, 2019, pp. 295 to 326.
  • Chapter I, National remedies against breaches of the right to translation and
    interpretation, in: Effective defence rights in criminal proceeding [Hrsg. Allegrezza; Covolo], CEDAM-Kluwer, Luxemburg, 2019, pp. 467 to 473.
  • Datenschutzverletzungen als Wettbewerbsverstöße? Kritische Betrachtungen der neuen DSGVO unter strafrechtlichen und wettbewerbsrechtlichen Gesichtspunkten
    (Violations of data protection as competitive infringements? Critical considerations of the new GDPR from a criminal and competition law perspective), WRP 2019, pp. 27 to 33.


  • Implementing Remedial Obligations: A Comparative Analysis of National Remedies, 29 September 2017, in Luxemburg.
  • Effectiveness of Procedural Safeguards in the EU: What Remedies? Penalist as „national expert of Germany“, 29 September 2017, in Luxemburg.


  • Lawyers’ Association of Saarland (Saarländischer Anwaltsverein, SAV)
  • German Lawyers’ Association (Deutscher Anwaltsverein)
  • Working Group for Criminal Law


  • 2015 until now Lectureship at the University of Saarland

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